Special Events & Workshops
Take your regular practice to the next level and dive in more deeply with these immersive wellbeing workshops and specialized practices.
Click each section to preview the outline of each program. Access the workshop content today by signing up for membership, or if you are already a member, simply log in and select ’Special Events' (see sign-in button in top banner of this page).
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Welcome to the Special Events Section
Special Event • Friday, February 21, 2025 • Deep Rest Meditation for Sleep
Relieving Anxiety and Finding Peace, Part One
Relieving Anxiety and Finding Peace • Workshop Notes (PDF to download)
1. Welcome to Part One - Establishing Your 'First Response Toolbox' for stress and anxiety
2. Experience: Short Meditation (Applying Toolbox)
3. Learn: Understanding and Building Your Stress Response Toolbox
4. Experience: Yoga Nidra Meditation for Stress & Anxiety (Video)
4a. Experience: Yoga Nidra Meditation for Stress & Anxiety (audio)
Relieving Anxiety and Finding Peace , Part Two - Working with Opposites
Relieving Anxiety and Stress , Part Two • Workshop Notes (PDF)
1. Welcome to Part Two - Working with Opposites
2. Experience: Short Meditation (Toolbox plus Somatic Exploration of Emotion)
3. Learn: Life Cycle of Emotion, Somatics of Emotion and Working with Opposites
4. Experience: Prepare and Personalize Your Opposites of Emotion for the Yoga Nidra Meditation
5. Yoga Nidra Meditation: Gaining Resolution and Insight with Opposite of Emotions Practice
Overview of Equanimity Workshop
Equanimity Workshop Notes/Slides (PDF to Download)
1. Learn/Reflection: Orientation Talk
2. Experience: Mantra, Mudra and Breathing Practice for Equanimity
3. Learn/Reflection: Last Thought
4. Experience: Yoga Nidra Meditation (video format)
4a. Experience: Yoga Nidra Meditation (audio-only format)
Bonus Practice: Complete Movement Practice for Equanimity
Overview of Sleep Workshop
Workshop One: Notes/Slides (PDF to download)
1. Learn: Introduction to Rethinking Wakefulness and Building a Toolset to Calm & Soothe (38 min)
2. Experience: Bedtime Practices, Complete Breathing, Shakti Mudra, So Ham Mantra (10 min)
3. Learn: Three Bedtime Meditations (24 min)
4. Experience: Yoga Nidra Sleep Meditation One (video version) - 36 minutes
5. Experience: Yoga Nidra Sleep Meditation One (audio version only) - 36 minutes
Overview of Sleep Workshop
Workshop Two: Notes/Slides (PDF to download)
1. Experience: Effortless Sensing Meditation (8 min)
2. Learn: Tip, Challenges and Reflection (15 min)
3. Learn: Expanding Repertoire of Tools and Practices - Counting the Breath (6 min)
4. Learn: Expanding Repertoire of Tools and Practices - Chin Mudra (4 min)
5. Learn: Expanding Repertoire of Tools and Practices - Mantra (6 min)
6. Learn: New Bedtime Meditation - Sensing Gums and Teeth (9 min)
7. Experience: Yoga Nidra Sleep Meditation Two - Audio Only (31 min)
Overview of Sleep Workshop
Workshop Three: Notes/Slides (PDF to download)
1. Experience: Meditation & Breathing (13 min)
2. Learn: Sleep Tips & Overview (10 min)
3. Learn: Three Breathing Exercises (7 min)
4. Learn: Third Mudra (3 min)
5. Learn: Your Mantra (4 min)
6. Learn: Three Meditations (10 min)
7. Experience: Yoga Nidra Sleep Meditation Three (audio version only) - 26 min
Outline of Course Videos - Part One: Foundations of Pranayama
Course Slides: Breathing to Thrive Part One
1. Practice: Opening meditation - 6 min
2. Talk: Introduction to Pranayama - 15 min
3. Practice: Wellbeing and the Breath - 9 min
4. Talk: Western Perspectives on the Breath and Nervous System - 11 min
5. Practice: Breathing and Mantra - 7 min
6. Discussion - 6 min
7. Talk: Western Perspectives: Anatomy of Breathing - 15 min
8. Practice: Exploration of the Diaphragm - 7 min
9. Discussion - 3 min
10. Talk: Western Perspectives on Nose Breathing - 6 min
11. Practice: Exploration of Tongue position and Nose Breathing - 3 min
12. Talk: Eastern Perspectives on Breathing and Prana - 7 min
13. Practice: Sensing Breath and Prana - 6 min
14. Talk: Eastern Perspectives on Breathing Mudras - 10 min
15. Practice: Prana Nadi Breathing Mudras - 7 min
16. Talk: Establishing A Breathing Practice - 10 min
17. Practice: Closing Meditation - 10 min
Outline of Course - Part Two: Breathing to Balance
Course Slides: Breathing to Thrive Part Two
1. Practice: Opening Meditation and Breathing Mudras - 13 min
2. Talk: Introduction to Breathing to Balance - 9 min
3. Talk: Practical Considerations & Congestion - 6 min
4. Talk: Introduction to Ujjayi Breathing - 6 min
5. Practice: Ujjayi Breathing - 3 min
6. Talk: Overview of Ratio Breathing - 8 min
7. Practice: Sama Vritti Breathing - 6 min
8. Discussion -14 min
9. Talk: Wisdom of the Ancients - 8 min
10. Talk: Overview of Alternate Nostril Breathing - 6 min
11. Practice: Nadi Shodana - 7 min
12. Talk: Wisdom of the Moderns - 11 min
13. Talk: Overview of Pratiloma Pranayama - 4 min
14. Practice: Pratiloma Pranayama - 5 min
15. Discussion - 3 min
16. Talk: Convergence - 3 min
17. Talk and Practice: Yoni Mudra with Alternate Nostril Variation - 10 min
18. Talk: Subtle Pranayama - 8 min
19. Practice: Subtle Pranayama, Resting Meditation - 17 min
Outline of Course - Part Three: Breathing to Calm
Course Slides: Breathing to Thrive Part Three
1. Practice: Opening Meditation, Breathing Mudras and Pranayama - 22 min
2. Talk: Role of Vagus Nerve - 22 min
3. Talk: Langhana and Brhmana Practices - 6 min
4. Talk: Introduction to Viloma Pranayama - 7 min
5. Practice: Viloma Pranayama - 6 min
6. Talk: Introduction to Visama Vritti Pranayama - 13 min
7. Practice: Visama Vritti Pranayama - 6 min
8. Discussion - 10 min
9. Talk: Brahmari Pranayama, Nitric Oxide, and More - 11 min
10. Practice: Brahmari Pranayama - 6 min
11. Talk: Supporting Practices to Calm - 9 min
12. Practice: Resting Meditation to Calm and Soothe - 17 min
Outline of Course Videos - Part Four: Breathing to Energize
Course Slides: Breathing to Energize, Part Four (PDF to download)
1. Practice: Opening Meditation and Full Body Breathing - 15 min
2. Practice: Percussion - 6 min
3. Practice: Breath of Joy - 3 min
4. Practice: Energy Twist Breathing - 6 min
5. Practice: Breathing to Ground - 4 min
6. Discussion: Q & A - 4 min
7. Talk: Foundational Principles, Review - 8 min
8. Talk: Ins and Outs of Kapalabhati - 12 min
9. Discussion: Q & A - 3 min
10. Practice: Kapalabhati - 12 min
11. Talk: Viloma Pranayama - 4 min
12. Talk & Practice: Ganesh Mudra - 5 min
13. Discussion: Q & A - 5 min
14. Talk: Bija Mantras - 10 min
15. Practice: Bija Mantra Seated Meditation - 10 min
16. Talk: Final Thoughts and Home Practices - 5 min
17. Practice: Yoga Nidra Bija Meditation - 24 min
(17. Practice: Yoga Nidra Bija Meditation (audio format) - 24 min)
Healing the Effects of Incivility
Yoga Nidra Meditation: Sowing the Seeds of Kindness, Healing the Effects of Incivility (39 min)
Workshop Notes (PDF)
Loving Kindness Meditation • February 2022
Introduction to Loving Kindness as a Practice (14 min)
Loving Kindness Meditation (43 min) - from the February 13th LIVEstream Gathering
'Walking as Stillness' - Yoga followed by a Walk or Hike
Vibrant Yoga to prepare for a Walk, Hike or Jog (49 min)
'Walking as Stillness' - A Meditation to Download for your Walk (35 min)
Sunrise Sadhana Series
Sunrise Sadhana One - 56 min
Sunrise Sadhana Two - 58 min
Attuning to the Subtle Body • A Morning Yoga Retreat • Overview and Schedule
Attuning to the Subtle Body • Part 1 • Gentle warm ups, Breathing & Mudras, Meditation • 59 min
Attuning to the Subtle Body • Part 2 • Exploring with Movement - Body and Breath Sensing, Healing, and More - 1 hour 25 min
Attuning to the Subtle Body • Part 3 • Yoga Nidra, Exploring the Subtle Body - 41 min
Breathing and Chanting for Meditation - Introduction - 20 min
Breathing and Chanting for Meditation: Practice - 47 min
Breathing and Chanting for Meditation: Yoga Nidra - Breathing, Welcoming - 38 min
Chants and Mantras (PDF)
Sankalpa Workshop, Part One: Heartfelt Path and Intention (with notes) - 1 hour 43 min
Yoga Nidra: Exploring Sankalpa and Open-Skyness - 46 min
Introduction - 20 min
Orientation - Sanctuary Place - 6 min
Meditation - Inner Sanctuary - 8 min
Discussion #1 - 7 min
Orientation - Resolution of If-Onlys - 2 min
Meditation - Resolution of If-Onlys - 6 min
Journaling Exercise #1 - 2 min (plus your own offline time)
Discussion #2 - 14 min
Orientation - Pointers to Wholeness - 2 min
Meditation - Pointers to Wholeness - 6 min
Orientation - Personalized Portals to Wellbeing - 5 min
Journaling Exercise #2 - 1 min (plus your own offline time)
Closing - 6 min
Yoga Nidra for Wellbeing - 42 min
Gift of Intention: Embody Your Inner Compass • Sunday, January 9th 2022 • 3 to 5 pm • Livestream Zoom Link
PDF Download of Slides - Gift of Intention Workshop
1. Practice: Opening Meditation
2. Talk: Accessing Intention as an Expression of Innate Wisdom
3. Practice: Mudra & Breathing to Prepare
4. Practice: Clarifying your Intention (by Journalling or Meditation)
5. Practice: Yoga Nidra Meditation for Intention
Create Your Own At-Home Retreat
1: New Dawn, Morning Practice of Breathing, Chanting & Meditation (57 min)
2: New Day, Morning Mindful Yoga Practice (1 hr 42 min)
3: New Life, Sankalpa Afternoon Workshop - Cultivating Authenticity, Clarity and Calm - 1 hour 43 min
4: And I'm Feeling Good... Late Afternoon Yoga Nidra - Exploring Sankalpa - 46 min
Create Your Own At-Home Retreat
1: Maitri Chant - 5 min
2: Opening the Breathing Spaces, Sharira Mudras - 13 min
3: Mindful Yoga Practice - 64 min
4: Yoga Nidra for Self-Nourishment (41 min) + optional orientation to practice (16 min)
2023 Winter Solstice Chant & Nidra Meditation
2023 Winter Solstice - Gayatri Chant and Candle Lighting
2023 Winter Solstice - Yoga Nidra: Aligning with the Heart
2022 - 1 Winter Solstice - Opening & Gayatri (21 min)
2022 - 2 Winter Solstice - Preparing to Hibernate (5 min)
2022 - 3 Winter Solstice - Yoga Nidra: Rest in Ease Meditation - (38 min)
2021 1 Winter Solstice - Intro to the Gayatri (version A) - 3 min
2021 2 Winter Solstice - Gayatri Chanting (version A) - 4 min
2021 3 Winter Solstice - Gayatri - Downloadable text
2021 4 Winter Solstice - Meditation for Deep Rest (from Solstice Gathering) - 26 min
...Self-paced, on-demand, anytime...
Once you are logged in, you can read about each of the workshops in library of collected special practices and events. The following information highlights the Breathing to Thrive series, which you will not want to miss.
If you already have a monthly subscription and would like to access the program videos, you need to log into your dashboard and then go to Special Events. Click here.
If you are not yet a member, take advantage of a 10-day free trial with all memberships for all recorded and live-stream gatherings.
Release Into Sleep
Meditations, Mantras and Mudras for a Deeper Rest
Sleep is such a precious, central part of our physical and mental health and wellbeing, and the ancient practices of yoga and meditation generously offer ways to support deep rest… our work is to learn and personalize these gifts so that we can apply them with ease when the need arises.
In this three-workshop series, you will learn a wide range of yogic, meditative practices that will effectively rest your body, soothe your nervous system and settle the thinking mind. You will learn exercises that you can self-guide for a good night’s sleep, and you will also explore guided practices that will be recorded so that you can use them again, anytime. These include:
• Breathing exercises to settle your body and your mind
• Mantras to quiet your thinking mind
• Mudras to soothe and free tension
• Deep meditations for insight, rest and inner harmony
• Personalized ways to create optimal conditions for a restful sleep
You deserve the bliss of waking up rested, rejuvenated and revitalized.
Breathing to Thrive!
Foundations of Pranayama Workshop Series
Part One : Foundations of Pranayama (Recording Available)
Part Two: Breathing to Balance (Recording Available)
Part Three: Breathing to Calm (Recording Available)
Part Four: Breathing to Energize (Recording Available)
How you breathe directly affects the health and wellbeing of your body and mind. You can optimize your wellbeing, support vibrant physical and mental health, and effectively cultivate a connection to deep peace with yogic breathing, or pranayama. This 4-part course will give you a solid understanding of ancient practices that yogis have been relying on as primary tools of wellbeing, and as a way to support meditation and deep self-inquiry - simple, transformative tools you can use both on and off your mat. In this series of classes, we will put pranayama front and center, exploring theory and breathing practices that you can integrate into your yoga and meditation practice, and into your daily life. These understandings and techniques will transform how you feel physically, emotionally and mentally, but also how you walk in the world. Each 2.5 hour class will include a combination of talks, discussion, and pranayama practices –you will learn both cognitively and experientially. There will be short explorations in small groups (all optional). The series will be recorded and available to you to revisit to support your continued learning and practice, or if you miss a class.
This 10 hour course qualifies for continuing education credits through Yoga Alliance (YACEP certified).
In Part One: Foundations of Pranayama, we consider the theory and foundational breathing that inform all pranayama practices, including the direct, simple ways to immediately reclaim health and well-being. You will learn, explore and experience:
In Part Two: Breathing to Balance, we explore pranayama that balances the body, emotions and thinking mind, providing you with indispensable tools and understandings to bring with you into your daily life. You will learn, explore and practice:
In Part Three: Breathing to Calm, we dive into pranayama to calm and soothe the nervous system, exploring breathing techniques that are indispensable for anyone with a busy life or with chronic stress. You will learn, explore and practice:
In Part Four: Breathing to Energize, we explore yogic breathing to invigorate, awaken, and energize the subtle body. You will learn, explore and practice:
Who can attend and how do I register?
This series is open to everyone and is included as part of the monthly membership. Certain pranayama practices have contraindications (stated within each workshop as relevant), and certain classes will benefit from having specific props (easily gathered from household items). Parts One, Two and Three are appropriate for pregnancy, however certain portions of Part Four are not appropriate for pregnancy (detail provided within workshop).
This 10 hour course qualifies for continuing education credits through Yoga Alliance (YACEP certified).
Find Stability in Change -
Inner Practices for Equanimity
A change of job, a change in circumstances, an illness or a move, a shift in relationship, children born and growing up, loved ones aging... some texture of change is assured in this human journey!
Your ancestor yogis were sure to pass on wisdom teachings and precious practices to help you illuminate the path home, to discover an unwavering stability and ease that is here even in times of profound change. Through a range of practices, you will explore ever increasing layers of subtly, giving you the ability to discern a peacefulness and wellbeing that thrives as an innate steadiness... even as change can roar through.
Orient to a range of practices including grounding breathing practices and a Yoga Nidra meditation to help you rest deeply in equanimity and stillness, even as life does its 'thing.'
Are you wanting to access the recorded events, retreats and workshops, and you already have a monthly subscription? Click here.
If you are not yet a member, take advantage of a 10-day free trial with all memberships for all recorded and live-stream gatherings.
Your monthly membership gives you and your immediate household unlimited access to at-home Retreats, Mindful Yoga, Yoga Nidra Meditations (and if it applies to you, Pregnancy Yoga and Mama Baby Yoga) – powerful practices to feel better in your body, work with the breath and calm the mind. Take a peak at an overview of the offerings and schedules of each type of yoga and read more about the Monthly Membership Program.